Title: My Kind of Perfect Series: Finding Love Series Author: Nikki Ash Genre: New Adult Romance Release Date: May 27, 2021 Words We Love By Blog - “An emotionally gripping story that had my heart from the start!” Cali Gals - “SIGH! I am swimming around in the emotional beauty of this book.” The Romantic Rush Blog - “Nikki Ash never fails to captivate and charm!” FunUnderTheCovers - “My Kind of Perfect was definitely just that...emotional, heartwarming and oh so sexy!” To celebrate the release of My Kind of Perfect, Nikki is giving away AN ENTIRE BOOKWORM BOOK BOX PLUS EXTRAS! Make sure you head over to her page and enter! https://bit.ly/3whYNrA Georgia I’m surrounded by love, yet have no one to call my own. But then Chase, my new roommate, is suddenly there. He could be the perfect guy for me, if he wasn’t nursing a broken heart. The more time I waste looking for love, the more I realize that what I want has been right in front of me all along. Falling for Ch...