Title: Seductress Series: Whiskey Dolls Author: Jessica Prince Release Date: April 24 Contemporary Romance; Small Town Romance; Brother's Best Friend I knew my best friend’s little sister was off limits, I just couldn’t help myself. When a tragic accident caused Ford Grimes to trade the fast pace of the city for the refuge that came with being a small-town firefighter, the last thing he wanted was romance. Then he met the seductive manager of the local pizzeria and found himself questioning all the rules he’d put into place for his new life. Hardin Shields may as well have had a neon sign strapped to her that said do not touch in big, glowing letters. The single mother had enough on her plate. With a family restaurant to run and an ex who was making her life difficult, the last thing she needed was for her unrequited crush on her older brother’s best friend to take a turn into . . . something. When the chemistry becomes too hot to ignore, they decide to keep things light and fun...