***5 ‘It’s Real, And It’s Mine’ Stars*** I didn’t know what to expect from Brock, mostly because he was always on the perimeter of what was going on, so I went in with no assumptions and fucking LOVED his story. It was sweet, funny, smexy and full of heart AND the menage was done right, at least IMHO, and just hit all the right buttons for me from start to finish. I adored Brock, Ethan and Camila. I did. Brock is cocky and charismatic in a bad boy kind of way, but has a heart. Ethan is sweet, charming and laid back, though when the bad boy comes out to play all bets are off. Camila is something of an enigma. She’s shy and innocent in one breath and then can turn sassy and fiery in another. But it’s sweet nature that draws you in. So, I have a strong opinion on how a menage should be. I can’t help it, I want it done in a certain way and when it’s not, it leaves me feeling like something vital was missing from the relationship. But that doesn’t happen here. THIS is how a mena...