Title: Bad Alibi Author: Jessica Prince Series: Redemption Genre: Contemporary Romance Release Date: January 13 You first met the sexy biker, Cannon Banks in Out of the Darkness. Now he gets his own story in the first book of a brand new series! Are you ready to travel back to his home town of Redemption, Tennessee? It’s going to be a wild ride. Having grown up trapped in a gilded cage, the events of one tragic night changed everything. Farah Highland was raised with more money than most people could ever dream of, but with that wealth and privilege came cold indifference and cruelty. Determined to start living for herself, Farah cut ties with everything and everyone she’d ever known for the chance at starting over in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains. Notorious town playboy, Cannon Banks grew up living the good life. He had it all, loving parents, good friends, and a face and body that drove women wild. Lo...