***5 Stars*** After reading the, what we will now call, “The Teaser” version of Dear Ava in the Team Player 2 anthology (Not available anymore) I NEEDED more. I need more of Ava, her friends, her enemies, her frenemies...everyone! ALL. OF. IT. So to say I was squealing like a teenager who has just seen one of their idols for the first time in the flesh is an understatement (Though, please note it was all done in my head...but still) and Ms. Madden Mills abso-fucking-lutely delivered! I laughed, I growled, I got all kinds of swoony and twitterpatted and everything in between and I wasn’t a happy camper when there were no more words to read. I ADORED Ava. This girl went through something horrific and yet came out swinging. Seeing her put on her shitkickers and take hold of her future, knowing how hard it would end up being emotionally and mentally, was all kinds of awesome. I loved her snark, how she held her own against all odds and her heart is truly golden. And Knox...thi...