Title: Lost Boy Author: Ker Dukey Genre: Psychological Romance Suspense Release Date: October 30, 2020 Cover Design: Qdesigns - Amy Queau Cover Model: Franggy Yanez When Willis Langford, the infamous serial killer, dubbed The Hollywell slayer, enters Lizzy West’s life, he leaves blood and pain in his wake. Kidnapping his son, her best friend Jack, and killing those who try to stop him. After witnessing unimaginable evil, the echoes of that day haunt Lizzy into adulthood. Fifteen-year on, Willis is still at large. When new murders begin to happen with the signatures of the infamous Hollywell slayer, Lizzy’s life turns upside down. With death stalking her, Lizzy isn’t prepared for a ruggedly handsome mystery man to enter her world, shaking up her already turbulent life. Their connection is palpable, the intensity mind-blowing, the familiarity terrifying. Lizzy’s world is about to turn on its axis. She will need to question everything she thought she knew....